There has
been a lot of research and a lot of claims about the ideas surrounding the
hygiene theory, which has been a theory for over a decade. The hygiene theory is a theory that suggests
that the more exposure a baby and child has to microorganisms the less risk
that the individual will suffer from autoimmune disease. Now new data suggests that early exposure to
antibiotics in babies and young children can lead to food allergies.
Read this article and comment about the theory regarding how antibiotic use
early in life could contribute to food allergy later in life.
Also comment
on how exposure to microbes early in life helps the body and immune system
become muted towards ingested food.
on the specialized immune system which interfaces with the digestive system.
How is it different from other parts of the immune system?
Also please add a citation of an article which helped you with your research on this topic.
Due October 10